Breastfeeding Consultation



Consultation provided in series of 2 hour sessions. For maximum support, we would meet prenatally and postnatal.

With your permission, I am able to hold the sessions you at your home, which will make it easy for us to walk through and talk through how to best utilize your space and what you already have. This would be ideal for your convenience, comfort, and best use of time.

Breastfeeding basics/ Education

Practical advice on your at-home nursing station setup

Breast pump, bottles/maintenance

Breastfeeding while wearing your baby in a carrier

Discuss fears/ concerns; BF vs formula, pros/cons

Breast Feeding Options based on birth circumstances

Resources (based on how you like to learn-- podcasts, books, informational videos/ movies; digital and/or hard copies)

How to weave breastfeeding into your life (solo and/or with a partner's support)

Nourishment/self care for longevity

IBCLC Referrals

Breastfeeding Support Groups: local and virtual

If there is a specific topic not mentioned above, let me know and I can prepare a more tailored offering.